Distributed Antenna System (DAS)

In-Building Coverage - Distributed Antenna Systems

At RFC Wireless, we expertly engineer and install Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) to amplify signal strength, enhancing wireless service within buildings or densely populated areas. Our DAS solutions ensure seamless connectivity, reducing network congestion and optimizing wireless communications across different carriers and technologies. With RFC Wireless, we benefit from custom-designed DAS networks that facilitate superior in-building wireless coverage, enabling efficient communication in any environment.

Trust our expertise to empower your communication infrastructure with unparalleled connectivity.

Radio signals often cannot pass through a building’s structure, particularly if it is made of concrete. This means that trunking systems often suffer intermittent or a complete loss of coverage when going in and out of buildings, tunnels, and areas deeply shaded from the base station site.

Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDAs) are signal boosters that sustain two-way radio communications throughout a facility— including in stairwells, underground tunnels, parking garages and other challenging areas. BDAs are amplifiers/repeaters that boost and distribute a signal covering various frequencies.

BDAs can be part of a Distributed Antenna System (DAS), which is a network of separate antenna nodes connected to a common transport medium. Collectively, BDA/DAS equipment is often referred to as a wireless In-Building Solution. These two-way radio signal boosters are used to bring facilities into compliance with Emergency Responder Radio Coverage (ERRC) code.

In-Building Solutions

Do you need wireless communications inside your building?
Do two-way radios and cellular phones stop working as soon as you walk into your office?